
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Google Buys Motorola for $12.5 Billion

Google announced Monday morning that it will buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion. This coming as a shocker as Google becomes the owner of one of the 39 different manufacturers of its Android platform. A statement from Google says that "it will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem." Many don't know what to expect, but this will put a few extra patents under Google's wings, making it a stronger competitor in future patent wars. Many expect that new Android phone will be funneled through Motorola, with Vanilla software instead of MotoBlur, which many hated. Android will not be affected by this and remain open sourced, and Motorola will continue to run as a separate business, just with a parent overseeing everything this time.

HP Says Goodbye to Web OS, TouchPad for $99

The end of Web OS has finally arrived. Hp has finally announced that the struggling Web OS platform has quit the race for mobile dominance. The road has been a steady decline, as iOS, Android, and Blackberry OS took over as the big dogs in town (RIM be prepared). After what some can say dismal sales of the HP TouchPad, HP has officially given up. To give you guys a clue at how bad sales were, only 10% of stock was sold at Best Buy. The reviews of the TouchPad weren't well either, with multiple critics siting what could only be called a device that is generally lagging. HP did offer some good news about the device. The price of the Tablet has now become $99 dollars at Best Buy. A lot cheaper than the previous $499 price tag. Online stores have already been cleaned out, which means old fashion driving to the store might be your only option, however, we can't say there will be any left in stock either.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

TechBizz has a New Logo

Remember when we said changes were being made to this humble, yet unknown site? Well, we weren't lying. This is our new logo for the site, and future videos (soon). We are open to any thoughts, and feel free to send us your renderings of what our logo should be. Email us at to show off your talent.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Samsung Plans August 29th Galaxy SII Launch in US

As you can tell, the US is poised for a Galaxy SII launch fit for the red carpet. After Samsung Mobile President Shin Jong-kyun promised a release in August, we here at TechBizz had a gut feeling that the Galaxy SII would be making its debut. Also, there is a II logo on the invite. We also have a good feeling that there will be a multiple carrier release. Check back on August 29th at

T-mobile Galaxy SII Confirmed to Be the Hercules

The galaxy SII is arriving in the US to T-Mobile. The picture above is indeed the phone, or the back at least, but anything is good. This demi-god of a phone packs a punch that even the real Hercules would feel. This variant is similar to the original superphone, but with some improvements, or diminishing features, that anyone would want. It boasts a 4.5 inch Super AMOLED Plus screen like the Infuse 4G, but with a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, and a 42Mbps HSPA+ radio on T-Mobile's 4G frequences. You will also notice that the phone has rounded corners like the Galaxy SII Within heading to Sprint. Front pictures will be added soon.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Apple/Samsung Battle Reveals Lawsuit Against Motorola Xoom

The who Apple Samsung lawsuit has been around for a while, and so has a complait against the Motorola Xoom. This was uncovered when Apple reportedly tried getting an injunction of the Xoom, which experts are agreeing with. The fact that Apple, which is apparently king of the tablet seas, decides who sells what in each country defines what type of company they are. Apple is like a child who doesn't listen to anyone and tries to get what he, or she, wants. Since coming out with the first successful tablet device, they felt that they would control everything tablet related, which is not right. The while idea of private enterprise was private ownership of companies where competition was expected. There were laws that would prevent takeovers of specific types of markets, the monopoly laws. Now, in some way, Apple is pulling monopoly moves, getting rid of the competition, but using the legal system to make this ok. Going after Motorola's Xoom makes what I say clear, seeing as the only 2 similarities are that they are tablets, and rectangle looking. Saying that is copyright infringement is crazy. Apple feels threatened by other companies releasing android tablets, but removing competition like this only hurts other companies and the integrity of Apple itself. Apple has played dirty moves just to gain back a few percentage points. Leave a comment to tell us what you think of Apple's "necessary lawsuits."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sorry for the Break :P

Well it is very obvious that there has been a severe lack in posts in the last couple weeks. The reason beeing is due to personal business. I have been very swamped and soon, the newz will be flying through faster than you can say TechBizzNewz. There is no need to fear for this site has just barely scratching the surface. Big changes will be coming to the site soon, including an actual staff of dedicated techies, to prevent these breaks from happening, and one other thing currently in the development, please be sure to stick around after the break to SEE (get what's going on?) what is to come.